Thursday, August 28, 2008


So last week I was lamenting that life was a little uneventful....I should be careful what I wish for. It has been a CRAZY week to say the least :) I will try to remember everything that happened--here goes.....

Wednesday I got offered a position at one of my best friend's preschool and accepted. Yay :) It works well with my schedule and I get to be around friends, who could ask for anything else? Side note here, my headaches have been SO much better lately and I have not had a major migraine in a couple of weeks!! I am certainly grateful for that!!

Friday was my first day at Children's Academy. It was good to be back :)

Saturday my good friend Kristen, her mom, her sister, and her sister's friend and I went to a bridal show at the Grand America. It was great. I got some good ideas and a lot of the vendors had my colors so it was good to see my options. Now I just need to start planning!!! I only have 6 months! YIKES!!

Saturday night was Kristen's mom's surprise birthday party at the Tavernacle. If you have never been, you should go. Good times :) Me and Nathan had a lot of fun and the weekend flew by ( as always! )

And so the craziness begins....

Sunday night, Hannah was running around right before bed in her Crocs shoes, which we now hate :) It was just after 8 and Nathan had just gotten everyone settled into bed and Hannah tripped and smacked the wall/door and split her head open......ER here we come.....


Here is Hannah Banana at the ER. At this point she is calm and a little bored. She wanted something to drink and they said no :( She wasn't too happy about that......

They put a topical anesthetic to numb it up a little bit before the local. It stung a little bit, but then she was all smiles. The pictures didn't really capture those smiles, but I promise she was happier for a minute. They gave her a purple bear, too :)

Hannah ended up cutting through 2/3 of her muscle and needed 3 or 4 stitches inside to stitch the muscle and 8 stitches on the outside for the cut. She gets the outside stitches out on Friday and the inside ones will dissolve in about 6 months.

So then on Monday night, Chandler was riding around on his scooter and hit a crack in the cement. Bam! Faceplant on the concrete. He thought he knocked out his front tooth, but it only pushed it back a little. He had a huge fat lip that was much worse the next day........thank goodness it was not another ER trip. Sheesh!! What a busy week!! Time for the things I am grateful for....

I am grateful for less headaches. It is so nice to wake up without a headache! To quote McDonald's...I'm lovin' it!

I am also grateful for a new job that works for my schedule and my health. Also, for the opportunity to work with my friends. Yay!!

I am grateful that the kiddos, though scratched and scarred, are okay :)

Until next week.........