Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Okay, time for another weekly update :) I know you are all so excited!! The remainder of last week was uneventful, we finished up school shopping for the kiddos and got them registered for another year of school. I can't believe Chandler is in 3rd grade and Ceda is in 1st. Time flies by so quickly....sheesh!
Sunday was a long day. Hannah and Coops both woke up with some sort of stomach bug. I stayed home while Nathan, Chan, and Ceda went to church. They started feeling better around mid-afternoon and by the time everyone got home they were doing well again :)
I have realized this week that I get out of life exactly what I out into it. I am starting to see my relationships with people from a slightly different angle and have come to appreciate the blessings that I have been handed in this life. These last few weeks off of work have allowed me to think a lot and spend some time with Nathan and the kids and my friends. It has been really good for me and I am happy for the time I have been given to spend with them. It has been so nice!
On the other hand, this week has gone by kind of slowly. I have really enjoyed watching the Olympics and will miss them when they are over. I actually forgot what "regular" TV was on :) Also, I finished "Breaking Dawn", but I will not discuss it on here in case any of you are still in the process of reading it! I wouldn't want to spoil it for you. I will say I enjoyed it though!!
That is about it...sorry this post is so boring. Hopefully next week is full of events and updates!
This week's things I am grateful for.........
I am grateful for cooler weather. The closer it gets to Autumn, the better. I love this time of year!
I am also grateful for my wonderful bridesmaids and maid of honor. You ladies rock! I am excited to start planning my wedding with you :)
Speaking of my wedding, I am grateful for the opportunity to marry my best friend :) I know how cheesy that sounds, but I'm a girl, so I am entitled to throw out the "chick statements". It may actually be in my job description :)
That's all for now, I hope you all have a great week!!